Grepa Valley is situated over Fontanazzo and it is possible to reach it also from Buffaure and from Ciampac.

Our grandmother, Catina, used to go to Val de Grepa to lead cows to pasture. She used to stay there all summer long and at night all the shepherds were gathering in a hut chatting and playing the accordion.

Our father renovated a hut in Val de Grepa and it became his own special place.

This is the atmosphere we want to give you, a family environment that will make you feel calm and happy: a shelter.


Val de Grepa

Val de Grepa is a small valley over Fontanazzo. As it has for many years, in summer it welcomes cows, horses and donkeys grazing. By visiting it, you will find yourself together with these animals in total freedom. Marmots are coming up, curious from their holes. Roe deer and the goat-antelope chamois wander around undisturbed, and if staring at the sky it is possible to glance an eagle.

You can reach this Paradise in different ways.

  • Reaching the top of Buffaure with lifts, walking toward Ciampac and coming down to Val de Grepa (about 1 and a half hour).
  • Reaching the top of Ciampac by lift and getting to Val de Grepa (about 1 hour).
  • For the tough at heart, there is a very steep path leaving from Fontanazzo that will lead to Val de Grepa in about 1 hour.

No people or restaurants here, so you have to bring your own lunch, and as always when you are up to the mountains, you must bring your garbage back.